
Mortal Kombat

Directed by: Simon McQuoid

Cinema program "Mortal Kombat" in Dąbrowa Górnicza

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Movie poster Mortal Kombat
Original title: Mortal Kombat
Production: Australia/USA Release Date: 28 May 2021
Distribution: Warner

Directed by: Simon McQuoid
Cast: Hiroyuki Sanada, Jessica McNamee, Lewis Tan

Average rate: 1.0
rating 1.0 rating 1.0 rating 1.0 rating 1.0 rating 1.0 rating 1.0 rating 1.0 rating 1.0 rating 1.0 rating 1.0
207 votes. | Rate movie
IMDb© rate: Mortal Kombat on IMDb

Your comments

ty8678 11. June 2021, 12:10

oryginał z 94 lepszy

Seba 8. June 2021, 5:52

Bardzo fajny dużo przemocy i krwi

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